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jorn 50 years on earth the anniversary box set

Le 31 mai 1968, Jorn Lande, un petit garçon,  qui allait devenir l’une des voix les plus renommées dans le monde du Rock / Metal est né.

 Au cœur de la Norvège, entre les massifs montagneux de la petite ville de Rjukan, le petit Viking blond a grandi en parcourant les forêts et les montagnes, tout en écoutant  Elvis Presley et des groupes comme Sweet, Slade, Jethro Tull, Deep Purple, Rainbow, Free et Black Sabbath.
Cinquante ans plus tard, un coffret anniversaire - publié en édition limitée - célébrant la production artistique du chanteur norvégien, est publié dans le but de clore un premier chapitre majeur de la carrière artistique de Jorn et d’ouvrir la «deuxième phase» de sa production musicale.
«50 Years on Earth», dont le contenu est encyclopédique, inclut tous les albums de Jorn, de «Worldchanger» (sorti en 2001) jusqu'au récent (publié en 2017)« Life on Death Road ».

Tracklist :
CD#1 "Worldchanger"
1.   Tungur Knivur  
2.   Sunset Station  
3.   Glow in the Dark  
4.   House of Cards  
5.   Bless the Child  
6.   Captured  
7.   Worldchanger  
8.   Christine  
9.   Bridges Will Burn 
CD#2 "Out to Every Nation" 
1.   Young Forever 
2.   Out to Every Nation
3.   Something Real 
4.   Living With Wolves
5.   Vision Eyes  
6.   One Day We Will Put Out the Sun
7.   Behind the Clown 
8.   Rock Spirit  
9.   Through Day and Night 
10.   When Angel Wings Were White 

CD# 3 "The Duke" 
1.   We Brought the Angels Down 
2.   Blacksong  
3.   Stormcrow  
4.   End of Time  
5.   Duke of Love  
6.   Burning Chains 
7.   After the Dying 
8.   Midnight Madness 
9.   Are You Ready
10. Starfire

CD#4 "Lonely Are the Brave"
1.   Lonely Are the Brave
2.   Night City
3.   War of the World
4.   Shadow People
5.   Soul of the Wind
6.   Man of the Dark 
7.   Promises 
8.   The Inner Road
9.   Hellfire  

CD#5 "Spirit Black"
1.   Spirit Black  
2.   Below  
3.   Road Of The Cross  
4.   The Last Revolution  
5.   City In Between  
6.   Rock And Roll Angel  
7.   Burn Your Flame  
8.   World Gone Mad  
9.   I Walk Alone  
10. The Sun Goes Down (original bonus track Europe)

CD#6 "Song for Ronnie James"
1.   Song for Ronnie James
2.   Invisible
3.   Shame on the Night
4.   Push
5.   Stand Up and Shout
6.   Don't Talk To Strangers
7.   Lord of the Last Day
8.   Night People
9.   Sacred Heart
10.   Sunset Superman
11.   Lonely Is the Word - Letters from Earth
12.   Kill the King
13.   Straight Through the Heart (live)
CD#7 "Bring Heavy Rock To The Land"
1.   My Road
2.   Bring Heavy Rock To the Land
3.   A Thousand Cuts
4.   Ride Like the Wind
5.   Chains Around You
6.   The World I See
7.   Time To Be King
8.   Ride To the Guns
9.   Black Morning
10.   I Came To Rock

CD#8 “Traveller”
1. Overload
2. Cancer Demon
3. Traveller
4. Window Maker
5. Make Your Engine Scream
6. Legend Man
7. Carry The Black
8. Rev On
9. Monsoon
10. The Man Who Was King
11. Arctic Night (Bonus Track)( Instrumental)

CD#9 “Life On Death Road”
1. Life On Death Road
2. Hammered To The Cross (The Business)
3. Love Is The Remedy
4. Dreamwalker
5. Fire To The Sun
6. Insoluble Maze (Dreams In The Blindness)
7. I Walked Away
8. The Slippery Slope (Hangman's Rope)
9. Devil You Can Drive
10. The Optimist
11. Man Of The 80's
12. Blackbirds
13. The Optimist (Acoustic Version) (Bonus Track)

CD#10 - Original Bonus Songs (studio versions)
1. Out To Every Nation
2. Burn Your Flame
3. Something Real
4. Young Forever
5. Walking on Water
6. One Day We Will Put Out The Sun
7. Starfire
8. I Came To Rock
9. Like Stone In Water
10. Gate Of Tears
11. End Comes Easy
12. Gonna Find The Sun
13. Noose
14. Showdown
15. Abyss Of Evil
16. Where The Winds Blow
CD#11 - Bonus live cd
1. Road Of The Cross
2. Shadow People
3. Soul Of The Wind
4. War Of The World
5. Below
6. The Inner Road
7. Rock And Roll Angel
8. We Brought The Angels Down
9. Blacksong
10. Godless And Wicked
11. Soulburn
12. Are You Ready
13. The Whitesnake Medley
CD#12 - The covers (studio versions)
1. Naked City
2. Hotel California
3. I Know There's Something Going On
4. Fool For Your Loving
5. You're The Voice
6. The Final Frontier
7. Don't Stop Believing
8. Cold Sweat
9. Perfect Strangers
10. Live To Win
11. Running Up That Hill
12. Die Young
13. The Day The Earth Caught Fire
14. Run To You
15. Egypt (The Chains Are On). 

Line Up (pour le dernier album en date, Life On Death Road):
Jorn Lande - Chant
Alex Beyrodt - Guitares
Mat Sinner - Basse
Alessandro Del Vecchio - Claviers
Francesco Iovino - Batterie

Label : Frontiers Records
Sortie : 14/12/2018

Discographie :
Starfire (2000)
Worldchanger (2001)
Out To Every Nation (2004)
The Duke (2006)
Unlocking The Past (2007)[reprises]
The Gathering - best of (2007)
Live In America (2007)
Lonely Are The Brave (2008)
Spirit Black (2009)
Dio (2010)
Live In Black (2011)
Bring Heavy Rock To The Land (2012)
Symphonic (2013)
Traveller (2013)
HeavyRock Radio (2016)
Life On Death Road (2017)

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