En mai 2011 It Bites sortira son nouveau DVD intitulé It Happened One Night et fera quelques dates au Royaume-Uni pour lancer le film.
Les dates de la tournée anglaise :
14th May Manchester Academy * T 01618321111 www.manchesteracademy.net
15th May Birmingham Z Rock Festival
16th May London The Peel House of Progression * T 02085463516 www.houseofprogression.webeden.co.uk
18th May Newcastle The Cluny ** T 01912304474 www.ticketweb.co.uk
19th May Glasgow The Arches ** T 01415651000 www.thearches.co.uk
20th May Whitehaven Rosehill Theatre ** T 01946692422 www.rosehilltheatre.co.uk
* Special Guest Jon Amor (www.jonamor.com) ** Special Guest Jon Amor (www.jonamor.com) and 13 Stars.
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