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metallica the black album remastered deluxe box set the metallica blacklist pour les 30 ans sad but true nouvelle version devoilee

10/09/2021 -  L'ensemble The Black Album Remastered - Deluxe Box Set + The Metallica Blacklist est sorti ce 10 septembre via le propre label Blackened Recordings du groupe. Ecoutez la version de Enter Sandman par GHOST dans la vidéo ci-dessous, écoutez les 246 titres du coffret intégralement dans les 3  vidéo playlists ci-dessous.

24/08/2021 - METALLICA a partagé la vidéo de la performance de 1993 de « Wherever I May Roam » à São Paulo, au Brésil, voir  ci-dessous. L'ensemble The Black Album Remastered - Deluxe Box Set + The Metallica Blacklist est attendu le 10 septembre via le propre label Blackened Recordings du groupe.

04/08/2021 - METALLICA a partagé deux nouveaux morceaux  de l'album "The Metallica Blacklist" : la version de WEEZER de "Enter Sandman" et la version de Tomi Owó de "Through The Never", voir  ci-dessous.

03/08/2021 - METALLICA a partagé "Through The Never (Sacramento, CA - January 11, 1992), extrait du 3CD "Live At Arco Arena" inclus dans le coffret de luxe remasterisé de son cinquième album éponyme - également connu sous le nom de "The Black Album "  Découvrez-le ci-dessous.

13/07/2021 - METALLICA a partagé "The Unforgiven (14 mai 1991 Rough Mix)", extrait du 2CD "Rough & Alternate Mixes".

29/06/2021 - METALLICA a partagé "Sad But True (Take 36 - February 5th, 1991)", extrait du box 2CD "Rough & Alternate Mixes". Découvrez-le ci-dessous.

The Black Album est l'un des disques les plus vendus  de tous les temps. Sa sortie en 1991 a non seulement donné à METALLICA son premier album n ° 1 dans pas moins de 10 pays, y compris une position de quatre semaines en n ° 1 aux États-Unis, sa série implacable de singles - "Enter Sandman", "The Unforgiven", "Nothing Else Matters", "Wherever I May Roam" et "Sad But True" - ont alimenté l'ascension du groupe en tête d'affiche des stades,  radios et MTV . La réception de l'album par la presse a été de la même manière excellente avec une présence constante dans les 500 plus grands albums de tous les temps de Rolling Stone. L'impact et la pertinence de l'album continuent de croître, comme le prouve un fait indiscutable : The Black Album reste incontesté comme l'album le plus vendu de l'histoire de Nielsen SoundScan, dépassant toutes les sorties dans tous les genres au cours des 30 dernières années.

Pour commémorer son 30e anniversaire, le Black Album, lauréat d'un Grammy et certifié 16 fois platine, reçoit sa réédition définitive. Remasterisé pour une qualité sonore ultime, The Black Album remaster sera disponible en plusieurs configurations, y compris un double vinyle LP de 180 grammes, un CD standard et une édition étendue de 3 CD, un coffret de luxe numérique et en édition limitée (contenant l'album remasterisé sur 180 grammes 2LP, un picture disc, trois LP live, 14 CD (contenant des mixages bruts, des démos, des interviews, des live shows), 6 DVD (contenant des extraits, des coulisses, des vidéos officielles, des live shows), un livre relié de 120 pages, quatre tournées, trois lithos, trois médiators, un cordon METALLICA, un dossier avec les feuilles de paroles et une carte de téléchargement).

Bien plus qu'un simple tribute album , "The Metallica Blacklist" célèbre l'influence durable de cette étape musicale avec l'un des projets les plus ambitieux jamais conçus par l'équipe de METALLICA : plus de 50 artistes sans précédent couvrant un éventail incroyablement vaste de genres, de générations, cultures, continents et plus encore, chacun apportant une interprétation unique de son album Black Album préféré.

"The Metallica Blacklist" offre de nouvelles dimensions au disque dont l'attraction gravitationnelle a d'abord attiré le grand public vers METALLICA - et fournit de nouvelles perspectives sur l'attrait universel et intemporel  : l'influence écrasante de ces 12 chansons sur les fans et musiciens de tous bords. Les 53 morceaux de "The Metallica Blacklist" trouvent des auteurs-compositeurs-interprètes, des artistes country, des artistes électroniques et hip hop partageant leur amour de ces chansons aux côtés de punk rockers, de chouchous indie, d'icônes du rock, du métal, de la musique du monde et bien d'autres… et pour Plus de 50 bonnes causes : Les bénéfices seront répartis également entre les œuvres de bienfaisance du choix de l'artiste et la fondation All Within My Hands de METALLICA.

"The Metallica Blacklist" est un hommage approprié et sans limites, qui présente des groupes qui ont partagé des scènes avec METALLICA aux côtés d'artistes plus jeunes que l'album original. C'est un assemblage de musiciens vraiment stupéfiant, parfois déroutant, dont des dizaines n'ont rien en commun autre que la passion commune pour la musique qui les a réunis pour cet album : 1 Album. 12 chansons. 53 artistes. Possibilités illimitées.

"The Metallica Blacklist" sera disponible dans des formats tels que numérique, quatre CD et une édition limitée de sept disques vinyles. Les précommandes recevront instantanément la version de "Nothing Else Matters" de l'artiste d'enregistrement multi-platine, auteur-compositeur, philanthrope et pionnière Miley Cyrus avec Andrew Watt, Elton John, Yo-Yo Ma, Robert Trujillo et Chad Smith, et le rock d'origine colombienne / superstar de la pop et gagnant de plus de 20 Grammy Awards et Latin Music Grammy Awards, l'interprétation de Juanes de "Enter Sandman".

Tous les bénéfices de "The Metallica Blacklist" seront répartis à parts égales entre la fondation All Within My Hands et plus de 50 œuvres caritatives choisies par les artistes qui jouent sur l'album. All Within My Hands a été fondé par le groupe en 2017 comme un moyen pour toute la famille METALLICA de redonner aux communautés qui ont soutenu le groupe en soutenant l'éducation de la main-d'œuvre, la lutte contre la faim et d'autres services locaux essentiels.

"The Metallica Blacklist" Tracklist

* MAC DEMARCO - Enter Sandman
* GHOST - Enter Sandman
* JUANES - Enter Sandman
* RINA SAWAYAMA - Enter Sandman
* WEEZER - Enter Sandman
* SAM FENDER - Sad But True (Live)
* JASON ISBELL - Sad But True
* ROYAL BLOOD - Sad But True
* ST. VINCENT - Sad But True
* WHITE REAPER - Sad But True
* YB - Sad But True
* BIFFY CLYRO - Holier Than Thou
* THE CHATS - Holier Than Thou
* OFF! - Holier Than Thou
* PUP - Holier Than Thou
* COREY TAYLOR - Holier Than Thou
* CAGE THE ELEPHANT - The Unforgiven
* DIET CIG - The Unforgiven
* HA*ASH - The Unforgiven
* JOSÉ MADERO - The Unforgiven
* MOSES SUMNEY - The Unforgiven
* J BALVIN - Wherever I May Roam
* THE NEPTUNES - Wherever I May Roam
* JON PARDI - Wherever I May Roam
* SEBASTIAN - Don't Tread On Else Matters
* VOLBEAT - Don't Tread On Me
* THE HU - Through The Never
* TOMI OWÓ - Through The Never
* PHOEBE BRIDGERS - Nothing Else Matters
* DAVE GAHAN - Nothing Else Matters
* MICKEY GUYTON - Nothing Else Matters
* DERMOT KENNEDY - Nothing Else Matters
* MON LAFERTE - Nothing Else Matters
* IGOR LEVIT - Nothing Else Matters
* MY MORNING JACKET - Nothing Else Matters
* PG ROXETTE - Nothing Else Matters
* DARIUS RUCKER - Nothing Else Matters
* CHRIS STAPLETON - Nothing Else Matters
* TRESOR - Nothing Else Matters
* GOODNIGHT, TEXAS - Of Wolf And Man
* IDLES - The God That Failed
* IMELDA MAY - the god that failed
* CHERRY GLAZERR - My Friend Of Misery
* IZÏA - My Friend Of Misery
* KAMASI WASHINGTON - My Friend Of Misery
* RODRIGO Y GABRIELA - The Struggle Within

The Black Album Remastered - Deluxe Box Set Tracklist :

LP 1 / SIDE ONE - Metallica (Remastered)

  1. Enter Sandman
  2. Sad But True
  3. Holier Than Thou

LP 1 / SIDE TWO - Metallica (Remastered)

  1. The Unforgiven
  2. Wherever I May Roam
  3. Don't Tread on Me

LP 2 / SIDE THREE - Metallica (Remastered)

  1. Through the Never
  2. Nothing Else Matters
  3. Of Wolf and Man

LP 2 / SIDE FOUR - Metallica (Remastered)

  1. The God That Failed
  2. My Friend of Misery
  3. The Struggle Within

LP 3 / SIDE ONE - "Sad But True" Picture Disc - 45rpm

  1. Sad But True 
  2. Nothing Else Matters (Elevator Version)

LP 3 / SIDE TWO - "Sad But True" Picture Disc - 45rpm

  1. Creeping Death (Live)
  2. Sad But True (Demo)

LP 4 / SIDE ONE - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, England - April 20th, 1992 - 45rpm

  1. Enter Sandman

LP 4 / SIDE TWO - Live at Wembley Stadium, London, England - April 20th, 1992 - 45rpm

  1. Sad But True 
  2. Nothing Else Matters 

LP 5 / SIDE ONE - Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991

  1. The Ecstasy of Gold
  2. Enter Sandman (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  3. Creeping Death (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  4. Harvester of Sorrow (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)

LP 5 / SIDE TWO - Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991

  1. Fade to Black (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  2. Sad But True (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  3. Master of Puppets (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)

LP 5 / SIDE THREE - Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991

  1. Seek & Destroy (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  2. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  3. One (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)

LP 5 / SIDE FOUR - Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991

  1. Whiplash (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  2. Encore Jam (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  3. Last Caress (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  4. Am I Evil? (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)
  5. Battery (Live at Tushino Airfield, Moscow, Russia - September 28th, 1991)

CD 1 - Metallica (Remastered)

  1. Enter Sandman
  2. Sad But True
  3. Holier Than Thou
  4. The Unforgiven
  5. Wherever I May Roam
  6. Don't Tread on Me
  7. Through the Never
  8. Nothing Else Matters
  9. Of Wolf and Man
  10. The God That Failed
  11. My Friend of Misery
  12. The Struggle Within

CD 2 - Interviews: The David Fricke Tapes

  1. Kirk / David Fricke Interview
  2. Jason / David Fricke Interview
  3. Lars / David Fricke Interview
  4. James / David Fricke Interview 

CD 3 - Interviews: The Steffan Chirazi Tapes

  1. Lars / Steffan Chirazi Interview
  2. Jason / Steffan Chirazi Interview
  3. Kirk / Steffan Chirazi Interview
  4. James / Steffan Chirazi Interview

CD 4 - Riffs & Demos (Disc 1)

  1. The Unforgiven (From James' Riff Tapes)
  2. Nothing Else Matters (From James' Riff Tapes)
  3. Sad But True (From James' Riff Tapes)
  4. Holier Than Thou (From James' Riff Tapes)
  5. Don't Tread on Me (From James' Riff Tapes)
  6. The Unforgiven (From James' Riff Tapes II)
  7. The Struggle Within (From James' Riff Tapes)
  8. The Unforgiven (From James' Riff Tapes III)
  9. The God That Failed (From James' Riff Tapes)
  10. Wherever I May Roam (From James' Riff Tapes)
  11. Enter Sandman (From Kirk's Riff Tapes)
  12. Through the Never (From Kirk's Riff Tapes)
  13. Of Wolf and Man (From Kirk's Riff Tapes)
  14. Enter Sandman (From Kirk's Riff Tapes II)
  15. My Friend of Misery (From Jason's Riff Tapes)
  16. Enter Sandman (July 6th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  17. Sad But True (July 6th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  18. The God That Failed (July 6th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  19. Don't Tread on Me (July 6th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  20. The Struggle Within (July 6th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  21. Holier Than Thou (July 6th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  22. Sad But True (July 10th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  23. Sad But True (July 12th, 1990 Demo)
  24. Don't Tread on Me (July 12th, 1990 Demo)
  25. Enter Sandman (July 12th, 1990 Demo)
  26. Nothing Else Matters (July 12th, 1990 Demo)
  27. Of Wolf and Man (July 12th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  28. Through the Never (July 12th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  29. The Struggle Within (July 24th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  30. Wherever I May Roam (July 24th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  31. Wherever I May Roam (July 30th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  32. The Struggle Within (July 30th, 1990, Writing in Progress)

CD 5 - Riffs & Demos (Disc 2)

  1. Enter Sandman (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  2. Sad But True (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  3. Don't Tread on Me (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  4. Nothing Else Matters (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  5. Holier Than Thou (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  6. Wherever I May Roam (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  7. The Struggle Within (August 13th, 1990 Demo)
  8. The God That Failed (August 22nd, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  9. Of Wolf and Man (August 22nd, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  10. My Friend of Misery (August 29th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  11. The Unforgiven (August 29th, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  12. Through the Never (August 31st, 1990 Demo)
  13. Of Wolf and Man (August 31st, 1990 Demo)
  14. The God That Failed (August 31st, 1990 Demo)
  15. The Unforgiven (September 3rd, 1990, Writing in Progress)
  16. My Friend of Misery (September 3rd, 1990, Writing in Progress)

CD 6 - Pre-Production Rehearsals + Radio Edits

  1. Enter Sandman (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  2. Sad But True (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  3. Holier Than Thou (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  4. Nothing Else Matters (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  5. Wherever I May Roam (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  6. Don't Tread on Me (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  7. Through the Never (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  8. The Unforgiven (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  9. Of Wolf and Man (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  10. The God That Failed (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  11. My Friend of Misery (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  12. The Struggle Within (Pre-Production Rehearsal)
  13. Enter Sandman (Radio Edit)
  14. The Unforgiven (Radio Edit)
  15. Nothing Else Matters (Radio Edit)
  16. Wherever I May Roam (Radio Edit)

CD 7 - Rough & Alternate Mixes (Disc 1)

  1. So What (Early Take - October 12th, 1990)
  2. Killing Time (Take 18 - October 12th, 1990)
  3. Through the Never (Take 53 - October 22nd, 1990)
  4. Holier Than Thou (Take 9 - October 27th, 1990)
  5. My Friend of Misery (Take 4 - October 27th, 1990)
  6. The Struggle Within (Take 12 - November 10th, 1990)
  7. Of Wolf and Man (Take 2 - December 6th, 1990)
  8. The God That Failed (Take 26 - December 6th, 1990)
  9. Don't Tread on Me (Take 6 - December 15th, 1990)
  10. Enter Sandman (Take 15 - January 21st, 1991)
  11. Enter Sandman (Take 35 - January 21st, 1991)
  12. Late Night Skynyrd Jam (January 23rd, 1991)
  13. The Unforgiven (139 BPM Take - January 29th, 1991)
  14. Nothing Else Matters (Take 19 - January 29th, 1991)
  15. Sad But True (Take 36 - February 5th, 1991)
  16. Wherever I May Roam (Take 3 - February 5th, 1991)

CD 8 - Rough & Alternate Mixes (Disc 2)

  1. Enter Sandman (May 13th, 1991 Rough Mix)
  2. The God That Failed (May 13th, 1991 Rough Mix)
  3. The Struggle Within (May 13th, 1991 Rough Mix)
  4. The Unforgiven (May 14th, 1991 Rough Mix)
  5. Wherever I May Roam (May 14th, 1991 Rough Mix)
  6. Don't Tread on Me (May 14th, 1991 Rough Mix) 
  7. Through the Never (May 14th, 1991 Rough Mix)
  8. Sad But True (May 23rd, 1991 Rough Mix)
  9. Of Wolf and Man (June 2nd, 1991 Rough Mix)
  10. My Friend of Misery (June 2nd, 1991 Rough Mix)
  11. Holier Than Thou (June 2nd, 1991 Rough Mix)
  12. Nothing Else Matters (No Orchestra Mix - July 8th, 1991)
  13. Nothing Else Matters (Orchestra/Clean Guitar/Vocal Mix - July 8th, 1991)
  14. Nothing Else Matters (Elevator Version)

CD 9 - Some Shit from Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991

  1. Creeping Death (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  2. Harvester of Sorrow (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  3. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  4. Sad But True (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  5. Wherever I May Roam (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  6. Bass Solo (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  7. Through the Never (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  8. The Unforgiven (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  9. Master of Puppets (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  10. Seek & Destroy (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  11. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  12. Fade to Black (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)
  13. Whiplash (Live at Day on the Green, Oakland, CA - October 12th, 1991)

CD 10 -  Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992 (Disc 1)

  1. The Ecstasy of Gold
  2. Enter Sandman (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  3. Creeping Death (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  4. Harvester of Sorrow (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  5. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  6. Sad But True (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  7. Wherever I May Roam (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  8. The Four Horsemen (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  9. Bass Solo (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  10. Through the Never (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  11. The Unforgiven (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  12. Justice Medley (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)

CD 11 - Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992 (Disc 2)

  1. Drum Solo (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  2. Guitar Solo (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  3. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  4. Fade to Black (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  5. Whiplash (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  6. Encore Jam (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  7. Master of Puppets (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  8. Seek & Destroy (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)

CD 12 - Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992 (Disc 3) + Covers + B-Sides 

  1. One (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  2. Last Caress (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  3. Am I Evil? (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  4. Battery (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  5. Encore Jam #2 (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  6. Breadfan (Live at Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA - January 11th, 1992)
  7. Stone Cold Crazy (Remastered)
  8. So What (Remastered)
  9. Killing Time (Remastered)
  10. Stone Cold Crazy (Live at Wembley Stadium, London - 1992) 
  11. Harvester of Sorrow (Live at The Liebenau, Graz, Austria - September 11th, 1991)
  12. Nothing Else Matters  (Live at Aggie Memorial Stadium, Las Cruces, NM - August 27th, 1992)

CD 13 - Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993 (Disc 1)

  1. The Ecstasy of Gold
  2. Creeping Death (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  3. Harvester of Sorrow (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  4. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  5. Of Wolf and Man (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  6. Wherever I May Roam (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  7. The Thing That Should Not Be (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  8. The Unforgiven (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  9. Disposable Heroes (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  10. Bass Solo (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  11. Instrumental Medley (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  12. Guitar Solo (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  13. The Four Horsemen (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)

CD 14 - Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993 (Disc 2) 

  1. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  2. Fade to Black (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  3. Master of Puppets (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  4. Seek & Destroy (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  5. Battery (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  6. Nothing Else Matters (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  7. Sad But True (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  8. Last Caress (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  9. One (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  10. Enter Sandman (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)
  11. So What (Live at Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany - May 22nd, 1993)


  1. The Making of "Don't Tread on Me"
  2. The Making of "Sad But True"
  3. The Making of "Enter Sandman"
  4. Enter Cameraman
  5. The Making of "The Unforgiven"
  6. The Making of "Nothing Else Matters"
  7. Rehearsal Day with Queen
  8. Metallica Play the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness - April 20th, 1992


  1. The Ecstasy of Gold
  2. Enter Sandman
  3. Creeping Death
  4. Harvester of Sorrow
  5. Fade to Black
  6. Sad But True
  7. Master of Puppets
  8. Seek & Destroy
  9. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  10. One
  11. Whiplash
  12. Encore Jam
  13. Last Caress
  14. Am I Evil?
  15. Battery


  1. Holier Than Thou
  2. Blitzkrieg
  3. Leper Messiah
  4. Master of Puppets
  5. Am I Evil?
  6. Breadfan
  7. So What
  8. Stone Cold Crazy
  9. Am I Evil?
  10. Helpless


  1. The Ecstasy of Gold
  2. Of Wolf and Man
  3. Creeping Death
  4. Harvester of Sorrow
  5. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
  6. Sad But True
  7. Wherever I May Roam
  8. The Unforgiven
  9. Justice Medley
  10. Solos (Bass & Guitar)
  11. Through the Never
  12. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  13. Fade to Black
  14. Master of Puppets
  15. Seek & Destroy
  16. Whiplash
  17. Nothing Else Matters
  18. Am I Evil?
  19. Last Caress
  20. One
  21. Damage, Inc.
  22. Enter Sandman


  1. The Ecstasy of Gold
  2. Creeping Death
  3. Harvester of Sorrow
  4. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
  5. Of Wolf and Man
  6. Wherever I May Roam
  7. Disposable Heroes
  8. The Unforgiven
  9. Bass Solo
  10. Instrumental Medley
  11. Guitar Solo
  12. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  13. Fade to Black
  14. Master of Puppets
  15. Seek & Destroy
  16. Battery
  17. Nothing Else Matters
  18. Sad But True
  19. One
  20. Enter Sandman
  21. So What


  1. "Enter Sandman" Music Video
  2. "The Unforgiven" Music Video
  3. "Nothing Else Matters" Music Video
  4. "Wherever I May Roam" Music Video
  5. "Sad But True" Music Video
  6. "The Unforgiven" Music Video (Theatrical Version)


  1. "Enter Sandman" Behind the Music Video (Psycho Band Pass)
  2. "Enter Sandman" Behind the Music Video (Hetfield)
  3. "Enter Sandman" Behind the Music Video (Ulrich)
  4. "Enter Sandman" Behind the Music Video (Hammett)
  5. "Enter Sandman" Behind the Music Video (Newsted)
  6. "Enter Sandman" Behind the Music Video (Final Concept)
  7. "The Unforgiven" Behind the Music Video (B-Roll)


  1. Los Angeles, CA
  2. Moscow, Russia
  3. Oakland, CA
  4. Oakland, CA II
  5. Miami, FL
  6. Perth, Australia
  7. Jakarta, Indonesia
  8. Bangkok, Thailand


  1. Enter Sandman
  2. Creeping Death
  3. Holier Than Thou
  4. Harvester of Sorrow
  5. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
  6. Sad But True
  7. The Four Horsemen
  8. Of Wolf and Man
  9. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  10. The Unforgiven
  11. The Shortest Straw
  12. Damage, Inc.
  13. Through the Never
  14. Fade to Black
  15. Whiplash
  16. Master of Puppets
  17. Seek & Destroy
  18. Motorbreath
  19. Nothing Else Matters
  20. Wherever I May Roam
  21. Last Caress
  22. One
  23. Disposable Heroes
  24. The Thing That Should Not Be
  25. Battery
  26. So What

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