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Very happy to meet you, Jim!!! Because I am very very enthusiastic to ask you questions about Eternity,

it’s a great ALIEN album, right to your 80’s roots. Many thanks for your answers and my congratulations to the band!!!

      1. Can you explain us why have you decided to reform ALIEN in the original line-up and if it was difficult to make it real?

Jim: Hi Franck! Well I try to do this briefly for you... since I left the band in1988 ALIEN did have some various band settings, during some years and one of them was when me and Tony in 2005 did Dark Eyes. After we made that album we just thought that something was missing, the band we did the album with was great musicians but something was missing, the original line up of ALIEN. So we decided to call up the guys and see how they would feel about getting together and do some shows with the old stuff just for the fun of it. In short, this is how it came to about…


               Jim JIDHED


2. Have you all the musicians of the band the same way of feelings about the compositions you wrote?

Jim: Yes, we’re all happy with how the songs came out!


3. Can you tell us your process of composing these so great tracks in your album? Who is the producer?

Jim: Well I have to say that a lot of it has to do with Jimmy and his way of playing the keyboards, suddenly I felt “yeah”! This is the way to go….of course everyone is equally important in the process of writing but I’m talking about how we found our sound again after so many years. Concerning the songwriting both Jimmy, Tony and myself had ideas that I in a way put together through my melody making so to speak. Then we all did our parts to make the songs complete. We also had a big help from Pam BARLOW and Janet MINTO who wrote many of the lyrics on the album. We produced the album ourselves.


4.  Why do you choose this title Eternity for your album?

Jim: It was Ken’s idea! And the rest just thought it was cool and felt right!


      5. I consider the sound of ALIEN is still alive with Eternity, and make me think of the 2 first albums, that mean you never lost it! Can you explain this and also the years without albums in the ALIEN career?

Jim: Well, I was on the first one in ’88, then with Tony in 2005. I’ve also made two solo albums in the AOR genre, then I’ve made two albums in Swedish throughout the years, too. I’ve also been working as a singer all the time. When it comes to the others in the band they played in different projects, having fun and just like me “kept the rock’n’roll flag high”! Smile!



        Jimmy WANDROPH


6.   Are you satisfied with the work done (I think you compose with Tony) on the new album and tell me what your preferred song is?

Jim: I’m not sure I understand the question here, but If you ask me if I’m pleased with the new album then the answer is a big ‘”yes”! Well, I would not prefer to single out this song or that song. At this point the album is so new so every song feels exiting to listen too.


7.  Your way of singing is magic, really, and not only in this album. I think you have the feeling about the way of singing these great melodic tracks on Eternity. The fact of reunite the original line-up and compose music with your friends is one of the reasons? Can you tell us more?

Jim: Well, thanks first of all!! I think my voice has matured through the years without losing the high notes, power and maybe it have more heart into it. It’s like life is a good singing lesson in itself. On the new album I got a more raw tone in my voice and that surprised me a bit, but went well with the instruments and the songs, I think. So in a way ALIENn has an impact on my voice, but as I said, I’ve been singing all the time throughout the years.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Toby TARRACH                         

     8.   About you Jim! What do you think about your implication on the AOR album “The Secrets of L.A” from Frédéric SLAMA? Are you ready to sing again for AOR?

Jim: It was fun doing that, it’s not that often that I do things like that, so yes, it was fun! I’m not so eager to sing on other peoples records, so I don’t know... we’ll see!


9.  Again for you! You released in the past 2 solo albums, if I am right. Do you want to go on with this experience or it’s only ALIEN now?

Jim: Yes, it would be really fun to do a solo album again someday! Smile!




                             Tony BORG


10.   Spain got the chance to see you on stage! I can assure you have a lot of fans in France. Have a plan for touring to promote Eternity?

Jim: Well, we would very much like to go on tour, only problem is that we don’t have any booking agency in France and many other countries, for that matter. So, if you know someone please let us know! Smile



11.   What do you think about your music impact in Sweden and in the world? What are your ambitions?

Jim: Our impact in Sweden was quite big in the eighties, today I think we have a big impact around the AOR world thanks to internet, and thanks to the music we make.





                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ken SANDIN






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ALIEN - Interview Jim JIDHED - 1.5 out of 5 based on 2 votes


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