
Auteur Sujet: KISS  (Lu 281714 fois)

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Hors ligne DkP

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« Réponse #150 le: Dim 28 Fév 10 14:03:21 »
Alors eux pour le Hell il va falloir que je sois à 2 gramme  :laugh:, c'est de la variétoch ça

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« Réponse #151 le: Dim 28 Fév 10 20:05:09 »
Alors eux pour le Hell il va falloir que je sois à 2 gramme  :laugh:, c'est de la variétoch ça
tu parles des enfoirés ou tu cherches la bagarre   :question:    :lol:

Hors ligne DkP

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Re : Re : Re : KISS
« Réponse #152 le: Dim 28 Fév 10 20:48:50 »
Retourne dans ton topic "Bonjour" car là c'est pas 2 grammes qu'il faut , mais une camisole. ::)
J'y retourne à mon topic bonjour  ;).
Par contre on a le droit de pas aimer KISS non?

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« Réponse #153 le: Dim 28 Fév 10 21:54:35 »
KISS c'est pas deux grammes dans le sang qu'il faut, mais faut carrement se décapiter la tête pour plus souffrir en les entendant!!!!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hors ligne DkP

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Re : Re : KISS
« Réponse #154 le: Dim 28 Fév 10 22:20:12 »
KISS c'est pas deux grammes dans le sang qu'il faut, mais faut carrement se décapiter la tête pour plus souffrir en les entendant!!!!!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
On va plus avoir d'amis ici  :laugh:
Par contre niet pour me décapiter, vais essayer 3 grammes alors  :beer:

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« Réponse #155 le: Mer 03 Mar 10 20:43:08 »
tiens voila des anglais qui n'ont besoin d'aucun gramme, les veinards ont eu droit à un concert intimiste à Londres, c'était hier soir  devant une foule de 800 personnes à l'Islington Academy O2

 setlist :

01. Modern Day Delilah
02. Cold Gin
03. Let Me Go Rock And Roll
04. Say Yeah
05. Calling Dr. Love
06. Got To Choose
07. I Love It Loud
08. 100,000 Years
09. Love Gun
10. Black Diamond
11. Rock And Roll All Nite
12. Detroit Rock City

un extrait :

KISS Love Gun - O2 Islington Academy March 2 2010

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« Réponse #156 le: Mer 03 Mar 10 20:58:57 »
on a l'impression, mais il s'en sort mieux que Tyler !   :laugh:

Hors ligne Seb

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Re : Re : KISS
« Réponse #157 le: Jeu 04 Mar 10 02:26:07 »
on a l'impression, mais il s'en sort mieux que Tyler !   :laugh:

le meilleur c'etait qd meme Bret Michaels de POISON
on avait du la poster
je la remet
Bret Michaels dropped on Stage by stage @Tony Awards 2009

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« Réponse #158 le: Mar 16 Mar 10 19:05:54 »
la news du jour, merci à Kissjata, il y aura un successeur à Sonic Boom ....

Top interview de Paul Stanley où ce dernier annonce un successeur à SONIC BOOM.... La bombe du jour !

Photo and Interview by MARKO SYRJALA

KISS returns to Europe in the spring with their massive SONIC BOOM OVER EUROPE tour after two years on the road with their mega successful ALIVE 35 tour. The new tour is a part of the band's world tour to support their latest studio disc SONIC BOOM which was released last August. In Early February the band did a series of press conferences in Europe. They first spent a couple of days in Germany and then later on two days in the U.K to promote their forthcoming tour. In London we had an amazing chance to interview Kiss'lead vocalist/guitarist and founding member Paul Stanley. Topics covered included the upcoming tour and the latest album but some other interesting information as on.


Q: You are now here promoting you upcoming SONIC BOOM OVER EUROPE tour. What can European fans expect from that tour?

A: The stage is the same one that we used in the States with all the video screens. It's that stage with some new bells and whistles added in�and a new set list for Europe.

Q: It's great to hear that there are changes in the set list. So have you already decided how many SONIC BOOM songs will be on the set list?

A: My guess is there's got to be four.

Q: How about the 80/90's material. There are lots of fans in Europe who are huge fans of the eighties and nineties KISS material. Will there be songs included from that period as well?

A: I'm sure "Crazy Nights" will be in the set and "God Gave Rock & Roll to You". It's really hard to cover everything from the beginning. So it means we have to leave out some songs. We can't just keep adding songs. It's great when people say "how about doing this one or that one" so ok then, what will be taken out of the show then?

Q: Everybody remembers that THE ALIVE 35 tour was hugely successful here in Europe. What kind of expectations do you have for this upcoming tour?

A: I think if anybody thought that was great, and it was, then this will be greater. It wasn't a fluke, it wasn't by chance that the last tour was great...the band is great!

Q: Once this European leg is over you're going to continue this tour in the U.S. Do you have plans to continue this tour after those U.S shows? Perhaps Japan or Australian tours are also on the way?

A: Not sure...there's talk that after we do Europe we go back to do the States again but I really don't know? We'll have to see. There are so many offers to play, but I also want to be home. There's little ones in my house that want daddy home and that's a priority.

Q: It's a great thing that you're now going to play a club gig here in London. Is it completely out of the question that you would do more shows like this in the future, in kind of the same vein as what you did with the KISS IN YOUR FACE shows some years ago?

A: It's very difficult to be able to do them. The fact is we were over here and we're not in touring mode, we haven't even started rehearsals for the tour. We're just basically going up there and playing. But when we're on tour, days off are very important for us to take it easy. You can't go out there and exert that amount of energy and kick that amount of ass and have a day off and go "hey lets go play a club". That's ok if you are playing 90mins a night or if you're playing two shows a week, but we don�t do that. So a day off is a day where we take it easy.

Q: Well... After this SONIC BOOM tour is completely done, what KISS will do next?

A: As of now, I really don't know. There's nothing hidden that we haven't announced.


Q: Overall, how satisfied you are for the sales numbers and overall feedback what you�ve got of SONIC BOOM? Was there anything surprising there either in positive or negative way?

A: I'm thrilled because it's a great album. I said from the beginning whether it sells 10 million copies or 1 million copies, it's all the same to me. At this stage of the game it about making a great album, anything else is just a bonus. In America we had the album available exclusively at one place which has a good side and a bad side. The good side is they support it, the bad side is, it's the only place you can get it. So there are plusses and minuses but I couldn't want a better album, I couldn't imagine a better album.

Q: The reviews for the album have been very positive all the way.

A: That's right. The reviews for SONIC BOOM have been really good. It's great to do an album which is undeniably good, right? "laughs". Thank you.

Q: From producers view, what was the biggest difference to produce this album vs. your latest solo album LIVE TO WIN?

A: It was totally different. LIVE TO WIN wasn't a KISS album. It was me trying not to do a KISS album. If I wanted to do a one man KISS album I would do ANIMALIZE. To do a KISS album I wanted all the elements that make great KISS; everybody contributing, Gene and I writing together and no outside writers. Those all are things that over the years fell away for reason or another. It's easy to make an album when you don't write the songs and someone else writes them for you. It's easy to make an album when you let someone else play your instrument. It's easy to make an album when you say I have to have 4 songs on the album whether they are good or bad. It can be easy to make an album but it's not the way we should make an album. This album was made following certain rules, somebody was in charge, and it is much easier with someone in charge. The band will tell you it was the easiest album that we ever made because we had great guidelines.

Q: You've stated many times that this is the best line up of KISS ever. Now after finishing your first studio album with this lineup, do you still agree with that statement?

A: I totally agree with that statement. There aren't nights when the band isn't in top form. Like I've said before, we've now got a band with four people who are all saying, "How can we make the band more famous?" instead of, "How can I make me more famous?"

Q: Although it was stated that all material on SONIC BOOM is brand new, actually there are a couple of songs which were originally written a long time ago, like "Nobody's Perfect" by Gene. Would you tell us something more about those songs and how you decided which material was used for this album?

A: I never heard another version of that song. Was it called "Nobody�s Perfect"?

Q: Yes, and actually there are some early tapes where you can hear the rough version of that song...

A: I don't know? Most of the songs he has rehashed I always know about because I hear them year after year. That song sounded really good. Most songs that have not been used usually haven't been used for a reason. We tweaked that song so... I can't say?

Q: Many fans criticized, especially here in Europe, that when album came out there wasn't enough promotion made for it. Was there any certain reason why you didn't do a promo tour like this when album was coming out?

A: Probably because we are busy. Also, its great to do promotion but someone has to pay for it. If someone isn't willing to pay for the promotion I am not a charity. I give you a great album and if you want more than a great album then you need to buy me a ticket and find me a place to play.

Q: Well because our time is soon coming to an end here is the very last question. Is SONIC BOOM going to be the very last KISS album ever?

A: I don't think so. I think that within the next twelve months we are doing another album.

Q: Really???

A: Yeah. I think it will take twelve months to eighteen months.

Q: That's something to wait for. Thanks for your time and have a good show tonight.

A: Thank you and have a good time.

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« Réponse #159 le: Dim 21 Mar 10 15:13:30 »
pour les die hard fans, un document rare de 79 sorti dans le cadre d'une vente aux enchères...

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« Réponse #160 le: Jeu 25 Mar 10 21:24:55 »
toujours dans le même cadre, une autre video de 80, le groupe était en tournée à l'appui de "Unmasked"  avec le nouveau batteur Eric Carr ...

KISS: NEW!!! 1980 Film-Sydney 1980 (Part 1 of 5)

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« Réponse #161 le: Ven 26 Mar 10 18:46:11 »
ils passent a genève en mai...

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« Réponse #162 le: Sam 03 Avr 10 19:38:14 »
autre info de Kissjata :

N' OUBLIEZ PAS : SPECIAL KISS SUR RTL SAMEDI DE 23 H A 1 H  dans la superbe émission SAGA de George Lang !!!

Hors ligne Stacey

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Re : Re : Re : KISS
« Réponse #163 le: Sam 03 Avr 10 23:35:19 »
tiens, tu te sers des "outils de gonzesses" maintenant  :question: :lol:

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Re : Re : Re : Re : Re : KISS
« Réponse #164 le: Sam 03 Avr 10 23:45:37 »
ben Citrouille est une nana alors j'utilise une poile sinon pour un mec c'est une batte de base ball.  ;) 
ah oui j'avais oublié depuis tu t'es trouvé un site a smiley annimé, tu es devenu incollable en la matiere  :exclaim:
 surtout ne le files pas  :lol: enfin fais ce que tu veux  :exclaim: