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14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 22/02/2009 19H40

Citation de Axljwen:
Citation de coverdale:

et ton dico Axl !!!! :laugh:

Jte l'envoie par la poste :wink: :lol:

je croyais que c'était mieux le papier ! :laugh:

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"

8845 messages
Dernier: 31/05/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 22/02/2009 20H25

Citation de metalden:
Citation de Axljwen:
Citation de coverdale:

et ton dico Axl !!!! :laugh:

Jte l'envoie par la poste :wink: :lol:

je croyais que c'était mieux le papier ! :laugh:

souvent les hommes varient :laugh: :laugh:

14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 22/02/2009 21H04

Citation de coverdale:

souvent les hommes varient :laugh: :laugh:

j'avais pourtant une autre version, du style souvent femme varie, bien fol qui s'y fie ! :laugh:

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"

8845 messages
Dernier: 31/05/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 22/02/2009 21H20

Citation de metalden:
Citation de coverdale:

souvent les hommes varient :laugh: :laugh:

j'avais pourtant une autre version, du style souvent femme varie, bien fol qui s'y fie ! :laugh:

oublies tes croyances Deni... adhères aux miennes ! :laugh:

14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 22/02/2009 22H25

En réponse au message "Re:Survivor" posté par coverdale le 22/02/2009 21H20:

hum, je sais pas si je dois te faire confiance sur ce coup là ! surtout si on veut survive ! ça c'est pour me raccrocher au sujet ! :laugh:

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"

3485 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 25/03/2009 08H56

Encore de nouvelles précisions pour l'album 2009:
Yes - it will rock more.

I do agree that the keys are there as an important part of the overall sound and must be placed properly in the mix to get that weight a track may need. Guitars are a different beast. They are much better when they are more up front in many cases. Seems when they are not placed correctly in the mix much is lost. Though it is all about placement the placement in the mix is critical and takes some time intensive work to get them just right.

Thing is, when they are placed properly in the mix they will add that extra zip you talk about. The ears and embedding on To Hot Too Sleep was don by a man with superb talent and a real feel for the right placement of the guitars.

It was great fun in working on that project and a have many great memories when I was in NYC wit Filipetti mixing.


14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:Survivor
Envoyé le: 01/05/2009 13H11

En réponse au message "Re:Survivor" posté par Axljwen le 25/03/2009 08H56:

l'album prend forme, voici le point de Frankie Sullivan :

Joe Vana (Mecca) was kind enough to post this approved new album update from Survivor guitarist Frankie Sullivan on the MR.com Message Board overnight.

It reads:
"The tunes are assembled and the finishing touches on a few arrangements are being tended to over the next few days....There are a bunch of surprises on this one and the material is stellar....a few would fit perfectly on When Seconds Count, and Too Hot To Sleep....but there are a few amazing tracks that are just flat out new, almost current sounding.....This album fits no template, no canned rehashed crap...and the studio, well lets just say it will have the power of an album from the late 80's in the way of sonic quality...All Vintage gear, an amazing Vintage Neve board and not a bunch of cheap plugins....just 3 million dollars worth of the stuff that we are used to hearing an album recorded on, not just a computer.......I have been honored to live out a life's dream and write with this band and my closest friend....he has shown me what real songwriting is all about, CREATIVITY....not clothes, hair, image, ego....it is about creating art....and it has been a pleasure.....the recording starts mid next week and WILL be the album the fans have been asking for since 1995 or so....Robin will SMOKE on these tracks, and I have been as hard on him as anybody but I truly believe he is the man now...and after this album is done, you will concur that he is an amazing vocalist....This album will follow right where THTS left off...."

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"
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