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Les news sur Robby Valentine

ROBBY VALENTINE signe chez Frontiers - 30/01/06

Les albums de Robby Valentine chroniqués

The Most Beautiful Pain (2006-03-24)

Valentine (1995-00-00)

The Magic Infinity (1993-00-00)

Falling Down In Misanthropolis (2007-06-18)

S/T (1992)

Les sites sur Robby Valentine

ROBBY VALENTINE - site officiel
Bio, mp3, vidéos, discographie, news...

Les groupes "AOR"

Northern Light - Beckett - Change Of Heart - Dare - FM - Glass Tiger - Feeding The Addiction - Harlan Cage - Heartland - Journey - LeRoux - Nelson - Neverland - Surgin' - Survivor - Taxxi - Heartbreak Radio - Van Zant - Vital Signs - Jamie Walters - Urban Tale - Mark Spiro - Drive, She Said - Steve Jones - Glen Burtnik - Rick Springfield - On The Rise - Cutting Crew - Stage Dolls - Fast Machine - Silence - Robert Tepper - Nexx - Vertigo (USA) - Vertigo (CAN) - Styx - Eric Martin - Brian Howe - Radioactive - Jim Jidhed - Mecca - Mitch Malloy - Norway - Mickey Thomas - Turn - Poley/Pichler - Eddie & The Tide - Absolute Zero - Adrenalin - Allison - Charlie Sexton - Corey Hart - Desmond Child - Distance - Duke Jupiter - Eddie Money - Glenn Frey - Gowan - Hugo - i-Ten - Johnny Van Zant - Stan Bush - Van Stephenson - Bobby Marks Project - Khymera - Loverboy - Metropolis - Michael Morales - Radio Silence - Richard Marx - Russ Ballard - Seventh Key - Shooting Star - Steve Lukather - Steve Perry - Strangeways - The VU - Thrills - Tony Carey - Warpipes - Grand Illusion - Alyson Avenue - Sayit - Tim Feehan - Jesse Damon - Pride Of Lions - Shadowman - Virginia Wolf - Final Frontier - Frozen Rain - Mysterell - Coastline - Fortress - Snake Charmer - Street Talk - Outland - Blind Alley - Jimi Jamison - Erika - Body Electric - 91 Suite - Spin Gallery - Last Autumn's Dream - Double Cross - Sugarcreek - Mastedon - Zon - Over The Edge - The Creek - Heartplay - Sequel - 7th Heaven - 707 - Dakota - Hardway - Bob Halligan Jr. - Eric Martin Band - Greenhouze - Renegade - 8084 - Jimmy Davis & Junction - Paul Janz - Fortune - Bonrud - James Christian - The Ladder - Safe Haven - John Waite - Jim Capaldi - Kim Mitchell - RPM - Shadows Fade - Joe Lamont - Frederiksen - Denander - Kyle Vincent - Hartmann - Refugee - 24K - Kelly Keagy - Ambition - Place Vendome - Artica - Terra Nova - Blanc Faces - Return - Myon - Main Attraction - Cry Holy - Bystander - Philip Bardowell - Prayer - Bitter Suite - Clif Magness - Kurt Howell - Matrex - Billy Satellite - Balance - Eddie Schwartz - Boulevard - Michael Bolton - The City - Benny Mardones - Kamera - Surrender - Partland Brothers - Melvin James - Danny Wilde - Preview - The Outfield - Shelter - Jim Peterik - Jimmy Harnen - Tara's Secret - Red 7 - Simon Chase - Line Of Fire - Wild Force - Michael Zee - Tom Kimmel - Silent Running - Device - Ina Morgan - Rick Mathews - Ted Poley - Mark Sweeney - Rick Price - Don Johnson - Brother Firetribe - Turn Up - Kiske - Stan Bush & Barrage - Jude Cole - B.E. Taylor Group - Tall Stories - Mr. Mister - Avalon (Richie Zito) - Hush - Sunstorm - Slamer - Nuclear Valdez - Gregg Rolie - Benjamin Orr - Cindy Valentine - John Palumbo - Brett Walker - John Parr - Two Of A Kind - Wildkard - Dante Fox - Alliance - Zappacosta - Al Denson - Boston - Chris Eaton - Reo Speedwagon - CC Rock - Los Angeles - Voices Of Rock - Dennis DeYoung - The Lec Zorn Project - The Guess Who - Cannata - Shell And The Ocean - Work Of Art - Fury - Stan Meissner - Glen Burtnick - Dominoe - Shanghai - Rob Jungklas - Franke And The Knockouts

Origine: Pays-Bas
Genre: AOR
Line Up:
Robby Valentine (1992)
The Magic Infinity (1993)
Live And Demos - EP (1994)
Hand In Hand - EP (1995)
Valentine (1995)
United (1997)
Christmas In Heaven - EP (1997)
No Sugar Added (1998)
Believing Is Seeing (2000)
The Most Beautiful Pain (2006)
Falling Down In Misanthropolis (2007)
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