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13084 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 12/11/2008 19H22

il en serait pt etre question prochainement.....
d'apres un post d'un forumeur americain qui parle d'une interview de Paul Stanley sur une radio locale U.S. qui le laisserait sous entendre.
tout ca au conditionnel bien entendu :wink:

I apologize in advance about another Kiss thread, but I know there are people who are interested in the band, and this seemed to be worth posting. Yesterday Paul Stanley did an interview on the local rock station in my area, and they asked him about Kiss ever going back into the studio and coming out with a new album. Paul said they are currently preparing to go back into the studio and record a brand new album with what he called "the classic Kiss sound". He also said there would be a world tour to promote the new album. He said the band decided to do this after the success of their European tour this past year.

Paul's answer came as a total surprise to me, and whether or not anything comes of this only time will tell, but it's the first I've heard that they are even considering it. They probably saw the success of new Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Metallica, AC/DC, and Guns N' Roses (when it is released) albums and decided there was still some money to be made with new material.

Ce message a été modifié le 2008-11-12 19:23:12


14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re: KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 12/11/2008 19H25

cool, maintenant qu'AC/DC et les Guns ont bien fait duré le suspence, Kiss va prendre le relais ! :laugh:

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"

2819 messages
Dernier: 26/05/09
Sujet: Re: KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 12/11/2008 19H28

En réponse au message "Re: KISS nouvel album?" posté par metalden le 12/11/2008 19H25:

Bha tant mieux !!!!

"let's get rocked "

14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 12/11/2008 19H52

En réponse au message "KISS nouvel album?" posté par SEB le 12/11/2008 19H22:

voici d'autres infos qui vont dans le même sens :

Legendary rock photographer Ross Halfin has posted the following message in the "Diary" section of his official web site:

"I had breakfast with [KISS guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley [on Sunday, November 9]. Paul told me they may make a KISS record, which he'll produce. A real '70s KISS-style record. If Paul can stop painting, which is his other career."

During KISS' Download Festival press conference (see video below), which was held on June 13, 2008 at Donington Park, Leicestershire, UK, Paul Stanley and bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons were asked whether KISS plans to ever record new material. "This is something that's been asked everywhere we go," Simmons replied. "In all seriousness, it's unfortunate, the record industry is dead, it's six feet underground, and unfortunately, the fans have done this — they've decided to download and file-share, there's no record industry around, and we're gonna wait until everybody settles down and becomes civilized and as soon as the record industry pops its head, we'll record new material." Stanley added, "The truth is we have no plans to record. The reason we don't record is because any classic band that hits the road, the last thing you really wanna hear is their new songs. Everybody says, 'Go out and do a new album,' but if you put on a live DVD of any classic band, turn off the sound and I'll tell you when they're playing a new song — it's when everybody sits down. So everybody says, 'Go do a new album,' but who goes to see the STONES to hear a new song? Who goes to see MCCARTNEY, THE WHO; who goes to see any of the classic bands to hear new songs? If you're playing a new song, that means you can't play a classic song. So, really, what's the point?"

Asked if there is any truth to reports that there is going to a TV show to find new members of KISS, Stanley replied, "That kind of got blown a bit out of proportion. There is a always a chance… Because we're KISS, we define ourselves by all the rules we bring — we're not like other bands. Is there a chance of doing a 'KISS II,' so speak? Sure. But it's not gonna take the place of KISS if we were to do it. We're in the midst of our most successful, biggest tour of Europe ever — this is the most successful tour we've ever done, bar any of the past 35 years. So we have no plans to stop. What we do outside of being a touring band, it's up for grabs. We don't live within the boundaries of other bands. They wish they could be KISS; we don't wish we could be them."

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"

3485 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re: KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 13/11/2008 07H40

Citation de metalden:
cool, maintenant qu'AC/DC et les Guns ont bien fait duré le suspence, Kiss va prendre le relais ! :laugh:

Un autre boulet dans la partie, pourquoi pas ? :laugh:

4971 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 13/11/2008 08H07

En réponse au message "KISS nouvel album?" posté par SEB le 12/11/2008 19H22:

Cool !


203 messages
Dernier: 29/04/09
Sujet: Re:KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 13/11/2008 17H28

En réponse au message "Re:KISS nouvel album?" posté par Bruno le 13/11/2008 08H07:

un retour aux 70's pour ce que j'en ai entendu...

"Au plus que tu la goûtes, au mieux que ca te goûte!"

1638 messages
Dernier: 04/05/09
Sujet: Re:KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 14/11/2008 08H24

Merci pour le rêve Seb :exclaim: :lol: :fleche:

13084 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re:KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 14/11/2008 13H42

Citation de TenHigh:
Merci pour le rêve Seb :exclaim: :lol: :fleche:


c'est pt etre pas un reve, enfin on verra bien; ca se trouve y a rien de fondé. :wink:


14645 messages
Dernier: 01/06/09
Sujet: Re: KISS nouvel album?
Envoyé le: 18/11/2008 19H16

allez, voila de quoi a continuer à alimenter le rêve, d'après Paul Stanley en personne :

KISS rhythm guitarist/vocalist Paul Stanley has confirmed to Classic Rock magazine that the band is seriously considering recording a new album. Rumors of a brand new KISS release first surfaced last week on photographer Ross Halfin's blog. Now Geoff Barton has taken it upon himself to grab the Classic Rock poker and agitate the embers of speculation.

Classic Rock: What does the future hold for KISS?

Stanley: It looks like we'll be touring Europe as well as the States next year. You'll be getting more of what you saw at the Download festival this past summer — the "KISS Alive!" vibe amped up to the max. There might even be a new KISS album at some point. I have been ambivalent to the idea in the past but I'm much more open to it now.

Classic Rock: Why is that?

Stanley: Well, I thought that I'd be content for KISS to remain a heritage act, just playing our greatest hits — "Detroit Rock City" and all that. But the new KISS lineup with Tommy Thayer (guitar) and Eric Singer (drums) is proving to be so good, so strong in spirit, it would interesting to see how we perform in the studio. I must stress that no recording time has been booked at this point. But it if we were to go into the studio, the intention would be to make a KISS album in the style of our 1970s recordings. A classic KISS album, unmistakably.

Read more in the January issue of Classic Rock, on sale December 10.

"_____ http://www.myspace.com/metal_den _____ http://metalden.free.fr/forum _____"
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