
Auteur Sujet: SHAKIN' STREET  (Lu 38537 fois)

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« Réponse #30 le: Sam 23 Fév 13 19:49:01 »
Oui bien sur . En gros c'est pareil a part que les plugins sont virtuels .

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« Réponse #31 le: Sam 23 Fév 13 20:08:17 »

ok merci, je rappelle la news du jour, vu le changement de page :

Nouveau site pour Shakin'Street ici :

Et donc les prévisions de sortie pour ce nouvel opus ? Il sera relayé par un label ?

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« Réponse #32 le: Sam 23 Fév 13 20:17:57 »
Nous avons un label intéréssé et le groupe a envie de signer avec eux sauf moi qui pense que ça ne sert a rien a part leur donner 80% . Perso j'attends de voir comment Mega fonctionne .

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« Réponse #33 le: Sam 23 Fév 13 20:26:49 »

ah oui 80 % quand même !  :eek: Du coup la date de sortie dépendra de ce choix j'imagine ...

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« Réponse #34 le: Sam 23 Fév 13 20:33:24 »
Entre autre oui .

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« Réponse #35 le: Jeu 05 Déc 13 22:17:27 »

Shakin' Street - Psychic - Teaser

merci, le teaser du nouvel album pour patienter jusqu'à l'an prochain !   :love:

Si non dans l'actu, c'est aussi la ré édition d'un classique chez Rock Candy :

Et le commentaire du label :

Shakin' Street 'S/T' CANDY219 / As the hostest with the mostest, Shakin' Street's Fabienne Shine's rock credentials were impeccable. During much of the early 70s she was the consort of Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, travelling with and directly immersed in all their sweeping grandeur. It was this baptism by fire and, later, the encouragement of both Page and Robert Plant to write songs that fuelled her creative aspirations, setting in motion the path to forming her own band, namely Shakin' Street. Of Tunisian-French origin, Fabienne's musical aspirations were further enhanced by guitarist Eric Levi who was piecing together a band in Paris. Eric had first thought about inviting the then unknown Pretenders star Chrissie Hynde to front his band before meeting Fabienne. Named after an MC5 song from the album 'Back In The USA', they scored a regional record deal with CBS in France and cut their debut album 'Vampire Rock', released in 1978. Sensing that the band needed an international boost Fabienne engineered a meeting with Blue Öyster Cult svengali Sandy Pearlman. Pearlman took the band under his wing, renegotiated their CBS deal in the USA, enlisted former Dictators guitarist Ross The Boss into the line-up and produced their self-titled second album. Recorded in San Francisco and issued in 1980, the album is a blistering example of red-hot guitar driven hard rock with roots in the kind of devil may care shoulder shrugging of reprobates such as the New York Dolls, the Ramones, MC5 and Blue Öyster Cult. Hard Rock for sure, with plenty of attitude and guitars set-to-stun.

Special Deluxe Collector's Edition, fully remastered sound shaped from 24 BIT digital technology, 16 page full colour booklet, 3,500 word essay, enhanced artwork, rare photos and new interview with Fabienne Shine.

Track Listing: 1. No Compromise 2. Solid As A Rock 3. No Time To Lose 4. Soul Dealer 5. Susie Wong 6. Every Man, Every Woman Is A Star 7. Generation X 8. So Fine 9. I Want To Box You.

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« Réponse #36 le: Mar 07 Jan 14 13:21:08 »
2014, l'année Shakin' Street ??? En tout cas le nouvel opus arrive, voici le 2eme teaser en avant première  :love: :

Shakin Street Psychic 2014 Teaser 2

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« Réponse #37 le: Mar 11 Fév 14 19:18:45 »

En attendant ce nouvel album, un film de Jean-Lou Kalinowski le batteur titré  Even your grandma knows Ross the Boss 2014, une plongée dans l'univers du groupe :

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« Réponse #38 le: Dim 23 Fév 14 12:04:58 »

Un tout nouveau titre Bad Girl , du nouvel opus PSYCHIC, ambiance sombre presque sabbathienne, du lourd au 1er sens du terme  :love: :love: :love:

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« Réponse #39 le: Lun 03 Mar 14 22:20:54 »

Le teaser officiel avec des extraits qui augurent le meilleur !  :love:

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« Réponse #40 le: Sam 08 Mar 14 12:49:51 »

Un autre superbe titre dévoilé, vivement le 31 mars et la sortie de ce nouvel opus !  :love: :love: :love:

Les crédits pour l'album :

Produced by Jean-Lou Kalinowski for Cat caponne production
Engineered and edited by Jeanda Glorioso
Mixed by Jeanda Glorioso assisted by Jean-Lou Kalinowski
Recorded at The Trianon Hall studio , Zero budget studio , SBC Studio
Guitar parts Additional engineering : Olivier Spitzer, Anthony Arconte
Ross the Boss guitars recorded at Twin Terror studios N.Y by John Rup for Twin Terror Productions

Mastered by Raphaël Jonin at JRaph studio

Thanks to :Pierre Henri Samion , Alicia Fiorucci, Madge xxxxx,balazs Antal

Very special thanks to :Ross the Boss,Jeanda Glorioso,Bruno Mieusset,Coco(Claude Meyer),Nicholas join,Thierry Tamain,

01 Bad girl (Shine/Kalinowski)
Fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums, Strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar,Synthetiser,voice effects
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Gabi Masso Oriental orchestra: Strings

02 Miss my train (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
Ross the Boss : Guitar
J Loo kalinowski:drums,piano ,Bells 
Phil Kalfon: Lead and Rythm guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano

03 Dying for a snack (Shine/Spitzer)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums,strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Ross the Boss : Guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano
Tish and Snooky : Backing vocals

04 Dirty little rat :(Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums,Perc
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm and lead guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ

05 Mount Sinai (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums ,mellotron ,piano one note
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass

06 Kinky sex : (Shine/Antal)
fabienne Shine: Vocals,harmonica
J Loo kalinowski:drums
Phil Kalfon: Lead and rythm guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Phil Bonanno : organ
Bruno Mieusset :Clavinet

07 It's too late: (Shine/Kalinowski/Tamain)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski: drums,guitars,strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar,slide guitar,Rythm guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : Steinway piano
Tish and Snooky : backing vocals

08 Between Life and death :(Shine/Spitzer)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : mellotron ,piano

09 Coast of paradise (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
Ross the Boss : Guitar
J Loo kalinowski:drums,strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano

10 Walk of fame (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
Ross the Boss : Guitar
J Loo kalinowski:drums, guitar
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano
Alicia Fiorucci : Backing vocals

11 Toys: (Shine/Antal)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums,Mellottron,Bells
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar,backing vocals
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar,Percussions,backing vocals
Fred Guillemet : Bass
balasz Antal : Synth,wind
« Modifié: Sam 08 Mar 14 12:55:09 par MetalDen »

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« Réponse #41 le: Dim 23 Mar 14 17:39:29 »

En attendant le nouvel album, qui est énorme, bientôt la chronique, un p*tain de collector, les Shakin Street chez Bouvard en 1980 !!!!    :eek: :love: :love: :love:   Allez pour le plaisir, Solid As A Rock, avec le pick pocket !  :laugh: Un hymne intemporel qui n'a pas pris une dire :

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« Réponse #42 le: Lun 31 Mar 14 12:56:49 »
Le nouvel album est sorti (Voir ICI) et déjà en rupture de stock, faut donc le commander ! Et bientôt la chronique.

A voir aussi le 10 avril la dédicace avec Fabienne Shine a propos du nouveau bouquin "Sexe, Drogues ert Rock N Roll"  :

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« Réponse #43 le: Mar 01 Avr 14 12:52:03 »

Il est sorti, un autre chouette titre à découvrir  :love: :love:   :

Un autre superbe titre dévoilé, vivement le 31 mars et la sortie de ce nouvel opus !  :love: :love: :love:

Les crédits pour l'album :

Produced by Jean-Lou Kalinowski for Cat caponne production
Engineered and edited by Jeanda Glorioso
Mixed by Jeanda Glorioso assisted by Jean-Lou Kalinowski
Recorded at The Trianon Hall studio , Zero budget studio , SBC Studio
Guitar parts Additional engineering : Olivier Spitzer, Anthony Arconte
Ross the Boss guitars recorded at Twin Terror studios N.Y by John Rup for Twin Terror Productions

Mastered by Raphaël Jonin at JRaph studio

Thanks to :Pierre Henri Samion , Alicia Fiorucci, Madge xxxxx,balazs Antal

Very special thanks to :Ross the Boss,Jeanda Glorioso,Bruno Mieusset,Coco(Claude Meyer),Nicholas join,Thierry Tamain,

01 Bad girl (Shine/Kalinowski)
Fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums, Strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar,Synthetiser,voice effects
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Gabi Masso Oriental orchestra: Strings

02 Miss my train (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
Ross the Boss : Guitar
J Loo kalinowski:drums,piano ,Bells 
Phil Kalfon: Lead and Rythm guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano

03 Dying for a snack (Shine/Spitzer)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums,strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Ross the Boss : Guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano
Tish and Snooky : Backing vocals

04 Dirty little rat :(Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums,Perc
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm and lead guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ

05 Mount Sinai (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums ,mellotron ,piano one note
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass

06 Kinky sex : (Shine/Antal)
fabienne Shine: Vocals,harmonica
J Loo kalinowski:drums
Phil Kalfon: Lead and rythm guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Phil Bonanno : organ
Bruno Mieusset :Clavinet

07 It's too late: (Shine/Kalinowski/Tamain)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski: drums,guitars,strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar,slide guitar,Rythm guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : Steinway piano
Tish and Snooky : backing vocals

08 Between Life and death :(Shine/Spitzer)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : mellotron ,piano

09 Coast of paradise (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
Ross the Boss : Guitar
J Loo kalinowski:drums,strings arrangement
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano

10 Walk of fame (Shine/Kalinowski)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
Ross the Boss : Guitar
J Loo kalinowski:drums, guitar
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar
Fred Guillemet : Bass
Bruno Mieusset : organ,piano
Alicia Fiorucci : Backing vocals

11 Toys: (Shine/Antal)
fabienne Shine: Vocals
J Loo kalinowski:drums,Mellottron,Bells
Phil Kalfon: Lead guitar,backing vocals
Olivier Spitzer: Rythm guitar,Percussions,backing vocals
Fred Guillemet : Bass
balasz Antal : Synth,wind

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« Réponse #44 le: Sam 26 Avr 14 12:26:01 »

Ils étaient hier soir au Pacific Rock, une première video de Roger avec ce nouveau et excellent titre du nouvel opus :