
Auteur Sujet: MICHAEL JACKSON  (Lu 18965 fois)

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #30 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 00:02:07 »
l'hommage de JSS voir aussi sur CHICKENFOOT :

Legendary vocalist Jeff Scott Soto (TALISMAN, JOURNEY, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN) has issued the following statement regarding the passing of pop music legend Michael Jackson, who died yesterday (Thursday, June 25) at age 50:

"Every day the world mourns over the loss of a loved one, a relative, even a pet...but it's not every day the whole world mourns over a single person like they were a loved one or blood relative.

"On Thurday, June 25, 2009, we lost an icon, a legend, a superstar named Michael Jackson.

"I don't think there is a man, woman or child over 5 years old in the world who doesn't know the name Michael Jackson. This in itself is an achievement that is rarely attainable anymore but it shows this man was known for better or worse (in my book, always better; the negative side of his life was always something I always chose to ignore as the MUSIC blanketed this) by EVERY person in the 21st century, and he will be remembered through his music and his legend.

"Of all my childhood memories, many of them included buying my first 45 single (yes, that would be a small 8" vinyl platter called a 'record'!) of the JACKSON 5's 'I Want You Back' to standing in front of a mirror at the ripe age of 5 with a spoon in my hand, pretending it was a microphone and singing at the top of my lungs to every word little Mike was belting out. When my brother Joey and I were about 7 and 8, we would draw crowds at the local boys club of NY as the song 'Rockin' Robin' would be blasted on a record player. Joey would pound on benches/tables as they were percussive instruments while I crooned along to the alto notes of Michael's version. They called us the 'TWEET TWEET BROTHERS'. if you know the song, you'd understand why :)

"Last night, I was witnessing the birth of a new supergroup, an amazing incarnation called CHICKENFOOT (featuring the eternally youthful Sammy Hagar, the baddest bass pounder Michael Anthony, the untouchable Joe Satriani and the mischievous Chad Smith) performing in London — an energetic and amazing evening — only to be flattened by the news of what was happening in Los Angeles simultaneously.... A night to remember indeed!

"Today and forever, I celebrate the music and the influence of Michael Jackson.

"Long live the King Of Pop, long live one of my few mentors of the mic.

"RIP, Michael!"

Frozen (Live) by Jeff Scott Soto (18/04/09 Madrid)

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #31 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 13:30:05 »
le point du jour, tout acte criminel est ecarté, voir l'article complet sur l'express :

L'autopsie pratiquée vendredi matin à Los Angeles pour tenter de déterminer la cause du décès de la vedette à l'âge de 50 ans, a permis d'écarter à ce stade un acte criminel comme cause de la mort brutale du "roi de la pop" la veille, tandis que la consommation de médicaments de la star a été évoquée par des proches.

Vingt-quatre heures après son annonce, le décès de Jackson a continué à provoquer une onde de choc dans le monde entier. La Maison Blanche a affirmé que le président Barack Obama considérait Michael Jackson comme une "icône" de la musique mais pensait que certains aspects de sa vie étaient "tristes et tragiques".

Lors d'une conférence de presse en milieu d'après-midi, le porte-parole de l'institut médico-légal a affirmé qu'"il n'y avait aucun signe de traumatisme extérieur ou d'indice montrant qu'un crime avait été commis". Mais les résultats définitifs de l'autopsie ne seront connus que dans "quatre à six semaines", a précisé ce porte-parole, Craig Harvey.

Overdose de médicaments?

"Le légiste a demandé que d'autres analyses (soient effectuées), comme la toxicologie", a-t-il expliqué. "A ce moment là, une fois que ces tests auront été effectués, nous nous attendons à pouvoir donner un résultat final sur ce qui a provoqué la mort" de Michael Jackson, constatée jeudi après-midi dans un hôpital de Los Angeles où le "roi de la pop" avait été admis en urgence.

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #32 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 17:03:26 »
tu tiens à casser le mythe, toi  :exclaim: :laugh:


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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #33 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 17:05:48 »
On passe de "pédophile qui n'a plus toute sa tête" à "roi incontesté de la pop" ::) Les médias, de vrais connards ! :lol:

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #34 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 20:35:22 »
a propos ,je me pause une question :question:
dans le clip ditry diana ,qui sont ses musiciens  :question:

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #35 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 21:07:31 »
y'avait aps steve stevens dedans???

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #36 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 21:31:12 »
je retiendrais surtout les années 70 celles qui ont marquées mon adolescence.
bye bye MJ

toutefois, on pourra regretter le côté obscur de MJ en 1993, il est accusé d'avoir sexuellement abusé d'un garçon de 13 ans.
imaginez un instant le traumatisme du gamin aujourd'hui.
il y en a pour moins que ça qui croupisse en prison.

alors, comment voulez-vous qu' aujourd'hui les jeunes de 20 ans puisse aimer cette artiste, ils n' ont connu que le côté obscure de celui-ci.

amène]Jean-Jacques Goldman - Puisque Tu Pars

« Modifié: Dim 28 Juin 09 06:44:49 par Yoda »
" La musique donne une âme à nos coeurs et des ailes à la pensée"

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #37 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 22:20:04 »
 ::)y'en a un qui doit se mordre les couilles, c'est son pharmacien...


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Re : Re : Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #38 le: Sam 27 Juin 09 22:54:30 »
Oui , les deux gratteux sont Steve Stevens et Jennifer Batten. ;)

non, y a pas jennifer batten, elle a joué en Live ensuite et sur l'album suivant

sur "dirty Diana" la version studio , c'est bel et bien Steve Stevens mais qui joue uniquement sur les solos (celui du milieu de la chanson et celui de fin)

la guitare rythmique je sais plus qui c'est mais c'est pas jennifer batten ni steve stevens

quant a la chanson, elle avait été écrite pour Diana Ross (rappelez vous de son hit meme en france dans les 80's : "chain reaction")
elle sortait avec Jackson et l'avait quitté assez brutalement, d'ou un certain réglement de compte dans la chanson :laugh:
« Modifié: Sam 27 Juin 09 22:57:30 par SebROXX »

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #39 le: Lun 29 Juin 09 20:05:53 »
les hommages continuent, retenons ici ceux de nos musiciens ... en voici un intéressant de Steve Vai et  Andy Timmons (DANGER DANGER) sur  "Beat It" au  Meinl Guitar Festival 2009 samedi 27 juin à  Gutenstetten,en Allemagne  :

Steve Vai & Andy Timmons Beat it FULL LENGTH

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #40 le: Mar 30 Juin 09 13:09:46 »
au tour de  Chris Cornell (SOUNDGARDEN/AUDIOSLAVE) avec  "Billy Jean"  le 27 juin 2009 en Suède

Chris Cornell - Billie Jean (live at Peace And Love 2009)

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #41 le: Jeu 02 Juil 09 22:49:56 »
Autre hommage, par steve Perry :

According to Fan Asylum, former JOURNEY frontman Steve Perry was contacted by various media outlets for his thoughts on the untimely death of Michael Jackson. His comments follow below.

Q: What are some of your memories of working with Michael Jackson on "We Are The World".

Steve Perry: "I was originally contacted by Lionel Richie's manager, Ken Kragen, who told me that Lionel and Michael had written a song called 'We Are The World' for a project they were doing together called U.S.A. For Africa. He wanted to know if I was interested in joining the choir with many other recording artists. I said, 'Sure...that would be fantastic!' The next thing I knew I was at A&M studios in Hollywood in a room full of so many artists that I grew up with and admired.

"After we had done the chorus choir of 'We Are The World', it was time to do the verses. They told everyone to look at the floor and if your name was there, you were selected for a verse step-out vocal. I glanced at the floor and written on gray duct tape I saw the names of Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Diana Ross, Kenny Loggins and so many more that I was stunned. Then I glanced down and saw my own name on the floor and I got pretty nervous. Lionel Richie had called me earlier and discussed why he wanted me to be there and I believe he had a lot to do with me having a step-out moment. I wasn't sure what they were going to have me sing, but from that point on, I was all ears — trust me!

"For the longest period of time, I really wanted to meet Michael Jackson but for whatever reason, it just never happened. During the recording session, I remember how barraged Michael was with so many artists trying to talk to him. Out of respect, I left him alone. Instead, I went into the catering room and hung out with Bette Midler and Paul Simon.

"Years later during the live rehearsals for the 'Bad' tour, I finally got to meet and talk to Michael. He was very gracious and made me feel very welcome. I felt so lucky to stand stage left while they ran the entire, full dress rehearsal of the show. What an experience to watch him perform that close up!"

Q: Do you have a favorite Michael Jackson song?

Steve Perry: "Michael's total body of work is so beautiful and massive that it's really impossible to have any one favorite. I know that every single time he released new music, the quality was always amazing and cutting edge. No artists ever wanted to release their music at the same time that Michael's was released simply because the anticipation and subsequent sales from his records was too much for anyone to compete with."

Q: How do you feel Michael has changed the music business?

Steve Perry: "Michael was always reaching for great songs, great vocal performances, better recording and production values, better and better music videos with new dance moves, and great sing along hooks that are still to this day, truly timeless.

"I think everyone will remember the first time they saw Michael do the moonwalk on television. I could not resist jumping up and trying it at least once or twice because it was such an amazing move. After many failed attempts, needless-to-say, I never tried that again.

"Lastly, I'd like to add that the first time I ever heard Michael Jackson sing was on the JACKSON 5 single 'ABC'. Immediately, I knew how truly talented and gifted he was."

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #42 le: Ven 03 Juil 09 22:30:36 »
la dernière repet, 2 jours avant sa mort, plutôt en forme ... et au point :

Dernière répétition de Michael Jackson le 23 juin dernier

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #43 le: Ven 03 Juil 09 23:58:11 »
mouais, très en forme, un peu bizarre tout ça effectivement.....
On connait la gratteuse  :question:

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Re : Michael Jackson serait décedé d'une crise cardiaque
« Réponse #44 le: Mar 07 Juil 09 09:20:50 »
apparement inconnue des + fins limiers  :exclaim:

Si non même les heavy métalleux y vont de leur hommage, aujourd'hui c'est le bassiste de Judas Priest :

JUDAS PRIEST bassist recently spoke to Jane Stevenson of's ENT blog about the death of the "king of pop" Michael Jackson and the outpouring of grief from his fans.

"He was an immense star, wasn't he? Let's face it," said Hill. "He's a worldwide superstar really and the grief that everybody's is showing, it doesn't surprise me at all. He was a very, very talented man. And possibly very troubled but very talented nonetheless and he's got millions of fans all over the place. It's big news."

"[He] sort of moved in different circles to us," continued Hill. "He was very much a pop star. We're obviously heavy metal, although I'd admire his talents, it's not the sort of thing that I'd want to go and see. I'll probably getting flayed online for that but it's true nonetheless. It's something I wouldn't go out of my way to see."

"There's obviously a lot of people who are heartbroken over his death, there's a lot of people very disapointed that they're not going to see his show."

Hill added, "He never had a normal childhood, if you know what I mean. Right from day one he was on a stage singing. It wasn't like a normal upbringing. All of us, we all had comparitively normal working class childhoods and I think you get your basic life rules from there. And obviously Michael didn't get that. He was thrust into the limelight from day one really so he got a somewhat different view it seems."